1. Pray
Please join us in praying for the children and their families, the BLI workers and our current projects.

2. Sponsor a child
When you sponsor a child you are changing the course of their life. You are providing them with access to education through which they can break the cycle of poverty. You are giving them hope for a brighter future.
For girls in particular, keeping them in school helps protect them from childhood marriage and early pregnancy.
Two of our boys had already taken to the streets to look for scrap metal and plastic bottles that they could sell for scrap to make a little money to buy food. Now they have 3 meals a day, a safe place to sleep, a good education and hope!
Some of the children in Kabale are still waiting for sponsors (please see below). Please read through their profiles and if you would like to sponsor one of the children please let us know by using the chat facility, contact form or by emailing us at buildinglivesuk23@gmail.com.

3. Give

To give towards one of our current projects please click the appropriate link below.
These links take you directly to the Stewardship website. We have partnered with Stewardship to help manage our funds. Stewardship is a UK Charity that collects, manages and distributes funds to a variety of organisations.

4. Fundraise
If you have a particular idea for a fundraising event that you would like to run in order to support the work we are doing we would be very happy to chat with you about this. There are numerous ways to fundraise, e.g.
cake sale
non-school uniform day
sponsored walk/ run/ swim/ silence!
pudding party...
...the list is endless!
If you would like to hold an event please get in touch via our contact page or send us an email, we'd love to hear your ideas!

5. Host
I am very happy to come to visit groups to talk about the work of Building Lives International UK. So if your church, school, youth group, friends or colleagues would like to know more please get in touch and we can discuss what a visit might include.
It would be great to build links between the children and communities we serve and similar groups in the UK.

6. Share
One of the simplest ways of supporting our work is to share our story as much as possible. You can share this website to your Facebook account by clicking the button below.
In addition, please like and follow our BLIUK Facebook page and share our posts with your friends and family.